Well it's finally Sunday and our lives can get back to a little normalcy!
Friday night we trucked it to Mena after I picked up the boys from school and dropped off our neighbor. It's a 2 hour drive to Mena. A long drive where not many radio stations pick up! The kids were pretty good though, which was nice. Then another 2 hour drive back home the next day.
When did you start to think of the town that you live in now as home? I was thinking about this when we were driving home from Mena, thinking I would be glad to get home. I lived in Mena all my life until I got married. Then we moved to Russellville. I've lived here for 8 years now. It's our home. I'm not sure when I first starting thinking of Russellville as home and not Mena. I loved growing up in Mena, but I'm not sure I could ever go back to living there. Maybe if something happened to Brent, the kids and I might go back, but I'm honestly just not sure. Does living here just a mere 8 years make this our home? Is it just a sense of feeling "home"? I'm not really sure. I just know that this is our home and it was good to come back to it!
Today we had just another uneventful Sunday. Our pastor is preaching a series on Generations from Psalms 78. We started with the Builders from ages 66 & up. Then came the Boomers 46-65, then today was the Busters 29-44. We will be next week, the Bridgers. 28-18. Each week the generation coming up has prayed for the generation that we were talking about. It's been really neat. I do sort of feel like a "baby" in the church since we fall into the youngest age group! I can't wait to see what he says about us though, and to us. It will be really good!
Tonight was one of the first times in a while that we didn't go out to eat after church. We were just really tired. And the kids and I are leaving for San Diego on Wednesday afternoon to see my brother graduate from Marine bootcamp! We're going to the zoo while we're there!
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