That is a link to a story about Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter's death. How horribly sad for their family. Our prayers go out to them tonight.
On a much lighter note, I was very glad of the votes on American Idol. For the first time ever, I voted. Although as of right now, I'm yet to see the final performance since our DVR quit recording right after it began.
So VERY sad about the Chapman's little girl!
Funny, I don't miss an episode, but I've NEVER voted! I'm such a goober though...I can't wait till it starts again in January!
I have cried a few times for the chapmans. It is just horrifying that something like can happen to such wonderful people.
As for AI I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad inchalotta didn't win. Divid Cook Rocks!
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